Sunday, September 13, 2009

Walking At Night

I just can't seem to wrap my head around the idea of sleep tonight. Rather disappointed, although I'm sure in a few minutes or so I'll attempt once again! For now, I'm stuck searching Craig's List for job opportunities and exploring World of Warcraft stuff to amuse myself. Yay for multitasking, for without it I would be incredibly bored.

Because I'm such a nerd, I'll focus this post on World of Warcraft a bit. Zaviel and I were just accepted into Forthright, along with Bakuya. We faction changed ASAP and now Lavielle is running around as a delicate little Blood Elf. It's really odd but a lot of fun and I'm already happy that I did the change. I'm also INCREDIBLY excited to be in Forthright! *squeak* I'm a bit scared and nervous though- I mean, its common to feel nervous joining a new guild. A brand new group of people to get to know, raiding styles to get used to, voices, jokes etc... but on top of that, I'm so nervous about meeting their standards. If I had it my way, I would just LOVE to go above and beyond their standards, but I'm taking it a little step at the time. I know Zav and I aren't as geared as they would like, but I'm hoping that we can prove ourselves as players- because gear is easily fixed. :)

So far they all seem really nice! Definately they all have a sense of (sometimes crude xD) humor, which suits me just fine. I might be raiding Tuesday with them (again, eep! ) so I'm studying like mad all the fights in ToC, 10 man, 25 man and Heroic versions. @_@; Thow on the side Ulduar hard versions and yep, I'm absolutely terrified. xD


In other news, Freya is a TERROR. I keep expecting her to calm down but she continues to mercilessly get into -everything-. If I forget to put one thing away, she finds it and victimizes it all around the apartment. I'm trying to discipline her a bit, but its difficult when she doesn't seem to get a clue. Oh well, she's still a kitten so I'm very patient. (And as I write this, she fell off a chair.)

I don't have much else to say... my life is a little mundane at the moment. I'm excitedly planning on going on a Mall adventure tomorrow and to see 9, which Zav has been dying to see. We're also preparing for when Travis eventually visits, which is always a plus!

~ Lavielle

1 comment:

Pretty Tulip said...

Hi, I like ur blogs they r really cool! i enjoy reading them :D i found ur blog when i was looking on ur Aramii page :) u have lots of pretty amis btw, but i saw tht u dont play much seeing as u havent logged on in 2 years lol! since u dont play aramii anymore would it b okay for u to transfer all ur pretty amis to me pretty plz :D I would really really appreciate it! I am PrettyTulip (#21653) on Aramii :D Thank u! thank u! thank u!